Tuesday 15 November 2016

2017 - a big year

2017, or at least the first half of it, looks set to be a year where my lofty ambitions of athleticism return.

Norway is booked for February.  And I have a place on the Grand Union Canal Race at the end of May.

So now I have two competing and conflicting areas to train in, given I didn’t really cotton on to there only being two months between them.  Norway is a significant investment of time and money and as such demands that I go there strong and ready to perform.  The GUCR poses significant problems in that I am trying to do what I previously could not, despite now having aged five years, having a much reduced commute (that provided the bulk of my training miles) and having the small matter of two kids to distract me.  Not to mention my wonderful support crew have mostly all now had kids so the whole thing will be less appealing to them too.

I guess we will see…

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